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Proverb: Every rope gat two ends.
Translation: Every rope/ string has two ends.
Meaning: Every story has two sides.
Proverb: Bush get ears and dutty get tongue.
Translation: Grass/ trees and earth have tongue.
Meaning: Sometimes you think that what you do or say nobody sees or hears, but yet your secrets are known.
Proverb: All cassava get same skin but all nah taste same way.
Translation: All cassava have the same skin but all does not have the same taste.
Meaning: Though people may look alike because of their mode of dress, they are different in their ways.
Proverb: Every rope gat two ends.
Translation: Every rope has two ends.
Meaning: Every story has two sides.
Proverb: If yuh finger get sore, nah tek am and throw way.
Translation: If your finger gets a sore, you will not throw it away.
Meaning: A member of your family may turn delinquent but that does not mean that you must disown him or refuse to help him.
Proverb: Hungry nah know bam-by.
Translation: Hungry does not know bam-boy (food)
Meaning: If you have a need, you grasp at everything that fulfills it.
Proverb: If yuh eye nah see, yuh mouth nah must talk.
Translation: If your eye did not see, your mouth should not speak.
Meaning: You must see for yourself before you talk.
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